Shawn Aukstakalnis

ChampChat Founder, BJJ Black Belt

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My mission is to make ChampChat the place where experts and coaches can make money through their passion and help athletes get better faster.

I started training BJJ in 2003, received my Brown belt from Matt Serra in 2012, and my Black belt from Dominyka Obelenyte in 2021.

I'm the founder of ChampChat and am also a co-founder of Digitsu. I've also worked at numerous startups and tech companies such as GitHub.

My mission is to combine my two passions to make ChampChat the place where experts and coaches can make money, helping athletes get better faster.



Shawn reviewed a video of the last few minutes of one of the matches from my last tournament. He gave me a bunch of tips on things to work on, including links to videos, drills, and resources explaining things further.